ISO 45001:2018 annual review is conducted at NSN in 2024

Between April 9 and 10, 2024, the JQA certification company conducted the annual examination on the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.   

Opening Meeting at NSN Office

The purpose of this audit is not only to ensure compliance with the law and ISO 45001:2018 requirements but also to test the effectiveness of system based on the health and safety goals set by NSN, as well as to find opportunities for improvement and new directions based on the knowledge and experience acquired by JQA experts.   

The working area survey at the NSN's office

The direct interview method combines with retrieving documents and records based on the random sampling principle to collect evidence for the suitability of the certification that JQA is providing to NSN.  

The annual review took place at NSN's Hanoi office and Son Ha project office (Dinh Bang, Bac Ninh). Direct participants include the Board of Directors, QHSE, QA Department, QC&HSE Department, Human Resources Administration Department, Design & Tender Department, Purchasing Department, Industry & Civil Department.    

Survey team at Son Ha project

After two days of concentrated effort, the experts determined that NSN's ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System was built and maintained according to the ISO 45001:2018 standard's criteria. JQA will continue to award ISO 45001:2018 certification to NSN, demonstrating the dedication and efforts of NSN to ensure the safety and health of all employees.  

In addition, the experts offered several recommendations for improving the operational efficiency of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. These recommendations are not only the opportunities for NSN to grow stronger but also commit to ongoing improvement and perfection in the near future.