NSN builds a happy employee experience on Base platform

On April 1, 2024, a revolutionary event organized in the headquarters of NSN: the Project Launch Ceremony "Create digital working environment on the Base platform," also launched the Pioneer Board - the project development board (Phase 1).


The Board of Directors, all managers, Pioneer Board and the Base development team attended this special occasion.  Mr. Thach Hoang Ngoc, General Director of NSN and leader of the Pioneer Board, strongly expressed his opinions and ideas on developing and application digital technology 4.0 into the management of company: "The Board of Directors commits to investing resources and efforts to achieve goals."  

NSN will follow a complete cycle of digitization, promulgation, training, application and optimization. The stages will be divided clearly and reasonably, and a team of Base specialists will coordinate with NSN during the project, from system setup to training and evaluation. 

The first phase will concentrate on building information management systems, human resource management and internal communications. Following the release of the system handbook, operational training will be implemented. Finally, the system will be evaluated and optimized with feedback from every employee.  



Digital transformation not only is a trend but also is essential, and NSN is ready to conquer the challenge. The success of the project depends on the initiative and change in the working attitude.   

The Board of Directors believes that, with Professionalism, Solidarity, Determination, Creativity and Relentless Learning Effort, we can quickly achieve our goals, demonstrating the success of our journey to build a digital working environment.